Sunday, October 28, 2012

This is the way to do a hurricane

Friday night after arriving at the marina we chose to sit out the hurricane, we were invited to happy hour at the marina club house. Yesterday I went with some other ladies to the Food Lion to stock up on provisions. We took the courtesy car for the six mile trip. Dinner was a pot luck at the clubhouse, some really great food was prepared and eaten.

We are having a good time, we are tied up nicely and will not get a direct hit from Sandy. It is a little disconcerting to listen to the howling wind and my shoes and foul weather gear may never get dry (it is raining and raining and raining). But Seriously, it looks like we really got lucky and we are thankful for that and pray for those that will be more in the path of Sandy.


  1. So glad you are weathering the storm well. The first puffs of wind are starting to rattle the leaves here. We heading down to the dock for a last eyeball sweep to make sure all is secured and then football, chili and waiting for Sandy!

  2. You're killing me here Ed! I'm stuck in Port Dover, hoping Sandy won't wreck the canal and keep me up north - it's too late to do as you did last year and head for the Tennessee Tombigbee route.
    Stay safe - you're in a good spot, wish I were there with you.
